Monday, January 31, 2011

Aimee Mullins and her 12 pairs of legs

Blog 1:

I think that this TED talk was a very good one and everyone should watch this. It was very interesting and Aimee Mullins is a great public speaker. She is definitely very inspirational. I think it would be a great thing for my school to see her, and to talk with people with disabilities. Children would be very curious and interested in her legs, and I don’t think they would be judgmental; I think they would think it was very interesting and have a lot of questions for her. Aimee is right about the fact that adults try to have so much influence over  children, and try to protect them from disabilities and differences in people, when it’s so important to embrace those differences.

1 comment:

  1. I think Aimee has a lot to teach all of us. And, she is not afraid to show how great it can be to be different. I know that many kids have trouble establishing an independent personality in middle and high school. Hopefully seeing how great it can be to be different will encourage a little more independent thought and also an appreciation for those kids who are a little bit different. I think this is also a message that is found in the Ken Robinson video presentations too.
